This prayer for refugees can be used as you pray for refugees on your own or in community with others. Your church may use this prayer in worship, particularly as a way of observing Refugee Sunday.
God of the exiles,
You cared for the Israelites through their captivity in Egypt and later in Assyria.
Care for and protect every person whose home is no longer safe,
Who has been forced to flee, who is living in a crowded camp,
Not knowing whether they will be taken in elsewhere.
Bring them to safety so that they can live in joy and peace, without fear.
God of the exiles,
Hear our prayer.
God of all nations,
You are the Prince of Peace,
And you promise that one day nation will not lift up sword against nation (Isa. 2:4).
Mediate the conflicts between governments and people groups that make whole countries unsafe for their citizens.
Overcome evil with good, and bring an end to terrorism around the world
So that people everywhere can know the goodness of your reign.
God of all nations,
Hear our prayer.
God of our hearts,
In Jesus Christ, you have broken down the dividing wall of hostility between humanity and you.
We were once far off, but you have sought us out and brought us near, even while we were sinners and strangers to your grace (Eph. 2:13-14).
By the power of your Spirit, transform us with your trust, love, and generosity.
Help us to extend your grace to others, regarding them as we would regard Jesus himself,
So that we can be faithful ambassadors to you and your gospel of reconciliation,
And so that your kingdom would break in even now.
God of our hearts,
Hear our prayer.