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Belhar Confession Worship Resources

Confession, as a formal statement that declares and gives evidence of God, of believers, and of the church, becomes an essential part of our public worship. These Belhar Confession worship resources can be used to help you integrate the themes of the Belhar Confession in your worship services.

shallow focus photography of musical note bookBelhar ConfessionMusicBelhar Confession Hymns and Songs
August 13, 2020

Belhar Confession Hymns and Songs

Worship music inspired by the Belhar Confession
man in black suit jacket standing beside woman in brown and white floral dressBelhar ConfessionWorshipBelhar Confession Call to Worship Ideas
July 3, 2020

Belhar Confession Call to Worship Ideas

Call to worship ideas based on the Belhar Confession
silhouette of person with right hand on air in front of woman on stageBelhar ConfessionWorshipBelhar Confession Affirmation Liturgies
July 3, 2020

Belhar Confession Affirmation Liturgies

Affirm the Belhar Confession in worship
grayscale photo of man and woman holding their handsBelhar ConfessionWorshipBelhar Confession Prayers of Commitment
July 3, 2020

Belhar Confession Prayers of Commitment

Commit in prayer to unity, reconciliation, and justice
desk globe on tableBelhar ConfessionWorshipBelhar Confession Litany
July 10, 2020

Belhar Confession Litany

A litany adapted from the Belhar Confession
woman wearing red sweatshirt looking at top between trees near grass during daytimeBelhar ConfessionWorshipCreeds and Professions of Faith Inspired by the Belhar Confession
July 3, 2020

Creeds and Professions of Faith Inspired by the Belhar Confession

Profess your faith in Christ's reconciling love