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The Triune God Protects the Church

Lyrics by David Alexander, All rights reserved.
Music: Set to the tune of “If You Believe and I Believe,” a traditional Zimbabwean song

Hymn lyrics:

The triune God protects the church, by Word and Spirit cares. So God has done since earth began and will do to the end. Together in the Lord, our unity restored, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost have called us to this end. 

One holy universal church from all the human race is called by God to unity which we must all attain. One calling, soul and mind, one spirit bread and wine, confess one name, obey one Lord, all reconciled in Christ. 

Since God entrusted to the church the message, “reconcile,” salt of the earth, light of the world, we witness in our lives. But credibility is compromised when we by separating into groups deny our unity. 

God is revealed as One who wishes justice and true peace. So where the poor and hungry gather God is found with these, restoring sight to blind, uplifting humankind. The gospel drives us to oppose all selfish human greed. 

Obeying Christ our only head the church is called to say that earthly laws and powers must to Jesus all give sway. Opposing the unjust, if suffering we must, it is no loss to bear the cross and follow in Christ’s way

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