New believers, and some who are not so new, often have lots of questions about Christianity. Here, you’ll find biblical guidance to help you answer some of the most-asked questions about God and faith. If you’re wondering how to share your faith with others, you might find these responses helpful in framing what you believe in conversations with friends and family. If you’re new to Christianity, the biblical guidance here may help you understand what Christianity is all about.
Answering Big Questions about God and Faith
The value of asking questions about God
Some questions are simple: what day is it today? How many eggs are in one carton? Other questions are filled with mystery, confusion, and bewilderment. The questions a person asks often offer a glimpse of what is going on in that person’s life. When a follower of Jesus Christ or someone who is just learning about the Christian walk begins to ask questions, it’s often a sign that the person is ready to go deeper in his or her spiritual journey.
Seeking answers to big, fundamental questions about God and ourselves isn’t like looking up the state capitol of Georgia or even how to change a flat tire. It’s a journey that God guides you through over time and in a variety of ways. But when we seek after the Spirit of God, Jesus promises to guide us toward truth. “When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13).
Biblical answers to common questions about faith
These short answers to common questions about God and faith summarize what the Bible says for those who want to learn more about the foundational beliefs of Christianity.