Gluten-Free Communion Guidelines Church LifeWorship Gluten-Free Communion Guidelines All are welcome to come to the tableRCA Commission on WorshipJune 13, 2022
7 Common Conversations That Mean Your Church Is Ready for Renewal Church LifeDiscernment 7 Common Conversations That Mean Your Church Is Ready for Renewal Is it time for your church's next chapter? Do you need to go through the renewal doorway first?Larry DoornbosApril 28, 2022
How to Handle Pastoral Burnout in a COVID-Plus World Church LifeLeadership How to Handle Pastoral Burnout in a COVID-Plus World The right tools and having wise and supportive congregations can help save pastors in a draining season of ministry.Larry DoornbosApril 15, 2022
Jesus Goes to Church Online Church LifeCoronavirus Jesus Goes to Church Online Think again before doing away with virtual church. Christ is still present online, and we are still Christ's body.Keith DowFebruary 7, 2022
Guarding Our Children from Church Hurt: Why Our Actions Matter Church LifeRelationships Guarding Our Children from Church Hurt: Why Our Actions Matter The words and actions of parents and caregivers are influencing the faith of children at any given moment.Shelley HenningJanuary 13, 2022
Does Your Church Need a Sabbatical? Church Life Does Your Church Need a Sabbatical? Sometimes the whole church needs a restLarry DoornbosDecember 29, 2021
How to Develop an Effective Social Media Strategy for Your Church Church LifeRelationships How to Develop an Effective Social Media Strategy for Your Church If churches want to reach people where they are, they can’t overlook social media.Grace RuiterNovember 5, 2021
How the Pandemic Has Revealed a Paradigm Shift in Our Approach to Giving Church LifeStewardship How the Pandemic Has Revealed a Paradigm Shift in Our Approach to Giving Church giving looks different these days. Here's what you can do to embrace that shift.Billy NordenOctober 7, 2021
Six Essentials Every Church Website Should Have Church Life Six Essentials Every Church Website Should Have Your church website is a first impression for many. These guidelines will help you make a good one.Grace RuiterSeptember 11, 2021
How Mentoring Can Change Today’s Narrative of Young People and the Church Church LifeGeneration Spark How Mentoring Can Change Today’s Narrative of Young People and the Church Stop asking, "How do we get young people back in our church?" Instead, try mentoring and intergenerational relationships.Rev. Annalise Radcliffe and Ron deVriesSeptember 2, 2021