This is part of a series of devotions reflecting on the lines of the Lord’s Prayer with an eye toward themes of justice and reconciliation. Explore more entries in this devotional series.
God and Creator
of flesh and field,
grain and grace,
Give from your soiled fingernails that sculpted a people called Black, who reflect the dust
Give Us, the Diasporic people of a continent who hold Ubuntu as the highest good—“I in you and you in me”
Give us this
Justice that rains
Air that maintains
Breath that sustains
Give us this day
another chance to rejoice and be glad in the truth that the night hides.
We are worthy.
We are loved.
We are yours.
Give us this day our
Space to sing with full voice,
To dance with full body,
To pray with full faith.
Give us this day our daily
To eat in the presence of those who say our lives don’t matter
To share with the widow, the orphan, the refugee, and the stranger
To savor
To devour
To end the fast and witness to the world.
In you, oh God, there is always enough.
Learn more about the meaning of this line of the Lord’s Prayer.
Rev. Dr. Denise Kingdom
The Rev. Dr. Denise Kingdom lives in Holland, Michigan, and is the mobilization pastor at Mars Hill Bible Church in Grandville and Grand Rapids, Michigan. She serves the Reformed Church in America as RCA Global Mission’s liaison to Setshabelo Family and Child Services in South Africa, where 30,000 orphans are finding loving homes within their community. She has been part of the RCA Women’s Transformation and Leadership guiding coalition since its inception and has helped give birth to Equity-Based Hospitality, Dismantling Racism, and the She is Called: Women of the Bible studies. Her work can be found