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Globe and Adam and Eve Jesse Tree symbol

A family resemblance

December 2

Read: A selection from Genesis 1:26-31

Then God said, “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the wild animals of the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth.”

 So God created humankind in his image,
    in the image of God he created them;
    male and female he created them.

Read the full passage.


Did you know that when God made humans, he made us to look like him? God made all the stars and planets, all the beluga whales and blue jays, all the buffalo and begonias—but God didn’t make any of those things in his image.

It was only when he made humans that he said, “Let’s make them like us.”

It’s true! Something about you is made to look just like God.

Is it your eyes? When you smile, do they crinkle at the corners, just like God’s do? Is it your hair? Does God have a cowlick in just the same place you do? Maybe it’s your laugh. When something is so silly you can hardly breathe, do you sound like God sounds?

It’s hard to know exactly what God looks and sounds like—except that we know what Jesus is like. Jesus is God in the form of a human being. Jesus looks exactly like God. He is God!

So if you’re wondering what about you resembles God, you can just think about Jesus. You might not have his hair color, and your body might be built differently than his, but your heart can look just like Jesus’s heart.


What things about you—your personality or your character—are like Jesus? Can you think of ways that God made you to look like him?


Wow, God! We feel pretty special that you made us like you. Would you help us get to know Jesus so that we can look more and more like him? Amen.

This devotion is part of

The Jesse Tree Story:
A Family Advent Devotional

Each devotion in this family Advent devotional invites you into the story of someone on Jesus’s family tree. These devotions will show young children how God was preparing for Jesus to be born across many generations. Each story pairs with a symbol you can hang on your own Jesse Tree.

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