Background of the song:
For the past 4 years, I have participated in the 12 Song Challenge, a song writing group that is part of Resound Worship in the UK. We are a group of over 400 songwriters from 15 different countries. The purpose of this group is to provide grassroot songs for our congregations to sing. Each month we are given a theme, a style, a Bible passage or other idea to inspire us to write a song. We share this song idea with other songwriters and receive feedback.
In June 2023, we were given the theme: Refugees. We were encouraged to reach out to someone who works with refugees and learn from them as we researched a theme for our song.
I reached out to JJ TenClay who works with refugees in South Sudan. She said that the “refugees are often singing songs of thanksgiving to Jesus and God the Father (Baba). She said, “I would say that quite confidently, that the largest themes in worship and song I recall from worshipping with my displaced siblings from Africa were thanksgiving and gratitude to God the Father and Jesus the Son, and the providence of God over their lives. Thanksgiving and gratitude to God for bringing them through hard times, for blessings, testifying to how they see God blessing their lives, for giving them another day, week, month, year to live.”
So the song, Thank you, Baba was inspired by JJ’s work with refugees, and the message they need to hear.
Rev. Nancy Boote is a graduate of Hope College and Western Theological Seminary . Nancy resides in Holland, Michigan with her husband Evan. She was ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Reformed Church in America (RCA) in 2013. She has served in both the Christian Reformed Church and the RCA. Currently, she co-chairs the RCA Dismantling Racism Prayer Gatherings, serves on denominational executive teams, and provides mentoring for young women and those in ministry. She also writes devotions for Words of Hope and serves on the Board. For enjoyment, she loves waking with her husband on the beach, playing with her grandchildren, traveling, writing music, being with family and friends, and taking prayer walks in nature.