Mission Trip Team Covenant Template
Use this template to help you get started on creating your own team covenant. Your team and team leaders should work together to outline the values and behaviors you will agree to abide by during your mission trip. We’ve provided some ideas for general categories to include, but your team covenant may include more or fewer items.
Mission Trip Team Covenant
[Church name]
[Trip location]
[Trip dates]
As a participant in the [church name] mission trip to [location] on [dates], I agree to follow the values and behaviors outlined in this team covenant. I understand that during this mission trip I will be acting as a representative of our church and, more importantly, a representative of Christ, to all whom I encounter. I acknowledge that our team has discussed this covenant together and agreed to be faithful to our values and righteous in our behavior. We agree to encourage one another and hold one another accountable as we live and work as a team.
Guiding Scripture
[Use this space to include 1–2 Scripture references that will guide your team before, during, and after your mission trip.]
[Use this space to list some of your shared values. We’ve included some examples below. You should explain what each value means for your team.]
Cultural awareness and sensitivity
[Use this space to outline how your team will behave on your mission trip. This is especially important because some behaviors that would be normal in our home cultures are not considered appropriate for Christians in other cultures. Take time to explain what is and is not appropriate in each category. This section is also something you can point to if you have to address inappropriate behavior while on your mission trip.]
Relationship with God
Relationships within the team
Relationships with locals
Dating and intimate relationships
Authority of local leaders
Authority of team leaders
Culturally appropriate clothing
Use of drugs/alcohol
Use of technology (including social media)
Traveling in groups/pairs
I, [insert name here], have read this team covenant and agree to abide by the values and behaviors that we have outlined together while I am a part of this mission trip team. As a representative of Christ and of [church name], I will do my best to show God’s love to all those I encounter during this experience.