G od has brought the members of the Reformed Church in America’s governing board, the General Synod Council, together from various locations across our denomination—locations where God has placed us to do his work. Recently, I left the harvest fields of southeast Nebraska to travel to Grand Rapids, Michigan, to meet with the General Synod Council (GSC).
Before that, an invitation to lead devotions at our fall GSC gathering had arrived in my inbox. Imagine my shock and my surprise. I read it twice and reread it again, checking the email address and the greeting. And I said, “Who me!?!”
Related: God can use anyone: a journey from farm boy to full-time pastor
God has called my husband, Gary, and I to work the land, to sow the seed, and reap the harvest to be faithful stewards of his creation. For the past 45 years we have farmed, first with Gary’s parents and now with our son-in-law, daughter, and grandsons. Farming for us is a family affair, and farm life overflows with blessings.
Some of my favorite verses from Scripture, which are also foundational verses in my life, are found in Lamentations 3:21-23: “But this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”
As I sat in my semi-truck after receiving that email, waiting for the truck to be filled with soybeans to be transported to the elevator, God filled me with peace while he spoke to my heart, inspiring me to share the following lessons of the harvest.
Related: How to plant seeds of faith by gardening with your kids
Lesson 1: Stay connected to God
The life of farming keeps us connected to God, rooted in his love for us. From the beauty of the morning sunrise to the glorious setting of the sun and the magnificent night sky filled with the moon and stars, we are awed by God’s creative power throughout our day. From the planting of the seed to its maturity at harvest, we are dependent upon God. He alone provides the growing energy of the sun, the ideal temperatures, and the timely rains. Continually God reminds us that it is him at work. As we partner with God, we stay connected to him, awed by his creative power and dependent upon him because we know that God’s steadfast love never ceases.
Lesson 2: Be obedient to God’s call
In the face of all the unknowns in the business of farming, there are factors which are outside of our control. For example, there are equipment breakdowns at critical moments, there may be too much rain or too little rain, or there may be high input prices and low commodity prices. In spite of it all, we remain obedient to God’s call. We simply do the next thing. At times there may be uncertainty about what step to take next. We seek him, his wisdom, and his guiding as we discern. Yet, we may make the wrong choice and we may “mess up.” But we find peace in knowing that “God’s mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning.”
Related: Prayer for crops and industry
Lesson 3: Trust in God
A variety of ever-changing challenges face us each year on the farm. This year’s challenge was the drought. This spring we planted the seed into a dry seed bed. We prayed and waited for the rains. Through May and June small showers fell at opportune times, sprouting and growing the seed. With thankful hearts we praised God. In July, those showers became a sprinkle few and far between. In August, the showers did not fall at all. With grieving hearts we mourned the potential loss of our crop. But, as the combine began to roll this fall, God surprised us! He has provided beyond our expectations. Over and over, throughout the years, he has taught us and shown us his great faithfulness. Thanks be to God!
Related: God has called me to trust and obey, even when the picture is unclear
Living out the lessons
So, what can each of us take away from these lessons of the harvest? God has called each of us to serve him. We serve in various locations and in various roles. We serve in our homes, at our work, in our communities, in our church, and more. Whatever work God has called us to do, let’s remember to:
- Stay connected to God. He is always connected to us, and we can rest in the “steadfast love of the LORD [which] never ceases.”
- Be obedient to God’s call. Even in times of uncertainty, we can take the next step and find peace in knowing “his mercies never cease; they are new every morning.”
- Trust in God. He always provides beyond our expectations; “great is his faithfulness.”
And, as the author of Lamentations reminds us: When we remember God’s goodness and faithfulness, we will have hope.
A prayer for the harvest
O LORD God, you are the God of the harvest, and we are the workers of your fields. Keep us connected to you as we rest in your steadfast love. Equip and empower us to obediently respond to the work you have called us to do. O God, you are a faithful God. Deepen our trust in you. As we begin each new day, we seek you. Fill us with your wisdom and discernment. Provide your guidance and clear direction so that our actions honor you and please you. In the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.