Get the guide in Spanish, Korean, or French
Everybody Belongs, Serving Together is now available en Français, en español, and 한국어로. This comprehensive guide to church accessibility and inclusive ministry will help your church embrace people with disabilities, not only as recipients of God’s love, but as partners in ministry.
Maybe you have a disability yourself. Maybe you want to advocate on behalf of someone you know. Or maybe you’re a church leader hoping to work toward more accessible ministry. Whatever brings you here, you’re on your way toward advocating for fully inclusive ministry with people who have disabilities and their families.
All translations are available in a downloadable PDF format either by contacting or signing up to receive a copy below.

Todos Pertenecemos, Sirviendo Juntos:
El ministerio eclesiástico inclusivo con personas con discapacidades
Aprenda lo que puede hacer para mejorar la accesibilidad de su iglesia a las personas que tienen discapacidades.

모두가 속하여, 함께 섬기는:
장애인과 함께하는 포용적인 교회 사역
여러분의 교회가 장애인에게 열린 교회가 되기 위해 할 수 있는 내용이 무엇인지를 배워 보시기 바랍니다.

Chacun de nous est inclus ; Servons ensemble :
Un ministère ecclésial inclusif comportant des personnes handicapées
Renseignez-vous sur les façons d’améliorer l’accessibilité de votre église pour les personnes souffrant de handicaps.
Sign up to receive a free downloadable PDF of the guide in Spanish, Korean, or French
Everybody Belongs, Serving Together is a collaboration of RCA and CRCNA Disability Concerns, Christian Horizons, and Elim Christian Services.
All rights reserved. This publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without permission, provided the source of the information is cited and the reproduction is not represented as an official version of the information produced. For all other uses, contact Reformed Church Press for permission. (; 616-698-7071)