Jesse Tree Instagram Photo Challenge
How the challenge works
Each day, beginning on the first Sunday of Advent, share a photo on Instagram or Facebook that evokes the day’s Jesse Tree Bible passage. Reflect on the passage and post your own photo as a response to what you’ve read. You might take it literally—posting a photo of a rainbow for the story of Noah, for example. Or you might work more figuratively, posting an image of something in your life that reminds you of God’s promises. You could also try this as a photo scavenger hunt, taking pictures that represent all the passages in one day.
Invite your church, family, friends, or youth group to join you. The more the merrier!
Jesse Tree Instagram Photo Challenge Scripture Schedule
The date of the first Sunday of Advent varies from year to year. You can just begin the challenge with the Scripture passage for the day when Advent begins this year.
Date |
Story |
Scripture Passage |
November 27 | A little branch | Isaiah 11:1-2 |
November 28 | A tall tower | Habakkuk 2:1-4 |
November 29 | A family resemblance | Genesis 1:26-31 |
November 30 | Three trees | Genesis 3 |
December 1 | New breath | Genesis 6:11-14; 7:17-8:3; 9:8-13 |
December 2 | A big move | Genesis 12:1-7 |
December 3 | A starry sky | Genesis 15:1-6 |
December 4 | A ram for a present | Genesis 22:1-14 |
December 5 | A strange dream | Genesis 28:10-22 |
December 6 | A special son | Genesis 37:1-36 |
December 7 | Ten loving rules | Deuteronomy 5:1-22 |
December 8 | A red rope | Joshua 2:1-21 |
December 9 | A brother rescuer | Ruth 3:1–4:12 |
December 10 | An underdog king | 1 Samuel 16:1-15 |
December 11 | A shepherd-king | 2 Samuel 5:1-5 |
December 12 | A living temple | 1 Kings 5:5; 6 |
December 13 | A powerful fire | 1 Kings 18:17-24, 36-39 |
December 14 | A big risk | Esther 4 |
December 15 | A bright light | Isaiah 9:2-7 |
December 16 | A new parade | Isaiah 11:6-9 |
December 17 | A dark fish belly | Jonah 3:1-5 |
December 18 | The best lion | Daniel 6 |
December 19 | A promise of peace | Micah 5:1-5 |
December 20 | A long silence | Luke 1:5-25 |
December 21 | A time to get ready | Matthew 3:1-6 |
December 22 | A new normal | Luke 1:26-38 |
December 23 | A cool dad | Matthew 1:18-25 |
December 24 | A long journey | Luke 2:1-5 |
December 25 | A birth announcement | Luke 2:6-21 |
These daily devotions reflect on the same Scripture passages as the Jesse Tree Instagram photo challenge uses. Reading the devotions during the challenge is a great way to deepen your connection with God and get inspired.