These Canons of Dort devotions illuminate how the Canons of Dort apply to our lives and churches today, more than 400 years after the canons were published. Written in the midst of a conflict that threatened to tear the Netherlands apart, the Canons of Dort insisted that salvation was pure grace. That’s a truth we still need to hear. (Read more about how the canons came to be here.)
Each of the Canons of Dort devotions explores the main points within one section (there are four total) of the Canons of Dort:
- Divine Election and Reprobation (Main Point I)
- Christ’s Death and Human Redemption Through It (Main Point II)
- Human Corruption, Conversion to God, and the Way It Occurs (Main Points III and IV)
- The Perseverance of the Saints (Main Point V)
Main Point I Devotion
It’s Not About Who’s Out and Who’s In
Election means that nobody is hopeless, or beyond the reaches of God’s grace. It is the warm embrace of a God who finds us before we even realize we are lost.
Main Point II Devotion
Don’t Set Limits on Christ’s Atoning Work
“Limited atonement” is a misleading phrase to sum up the second point of the Canons of Dort. There’s nothing limited about what Christ accomplished on the cross.
Main Points III and IV Devotion
Our Salvation Is Entirely God’s Work
Salvation is God’s doing, not ours. Human nature is deeply corrupted, and the only way we can be restored is by God’s grace. Of course, this poses another question: Do we truly have free will?
Main Points V Devotion
God’s the One Persevering, Not the Saints
There are times when we turn away from God. But God is love, and God persists in love for us. Even when we lose hope and feel like giving up on God, God’s Spirit does not leave us. God wrestles with us and for us.