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Jesse Tree Personal Advent Devotions

These daily devotions follow the Jesse Tree, which is a way of journeying through Advent that traces the lineage of Jesus. The Jesse Tree refers to an image in Isaiah 11, in which Jesus is compared to a shoot sprouting from the stump of the tree of his ancestor Jesse. It reminds us that the coming of Jesus was long prophesied, and that in the stories of his ancestors, we can hear echoes of his own life, death, and resurrection.

Starting these devotions after November 27? We still recommend reading the devotion for November 27 first. After that, you can skip ahead to the devotion for the current date.

Note: If you are using these devotions alongside the Jesse Tree Advent calendar or with the printable ornaments, note that there are four extra devotions in this series. To align them, skip the following devotions: Habakkuk and the Watch Tower (November 28), Sacrificing Isaac (December 4), Jacob’s Dream (December 5), and God’s Triumph over Baal (December 13).

11-27 Tree of Jesse Tree stump with roots growing out of the top

November 27: The Jesse Tree

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Scripture reading: Isaiah 11:1-2
11-28 Watchtower - Old watch tower on the sea shore

November 28: Habakkuk and the Watch Tower

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Scripture reading: Habakkuk 2:1-4
11-29 Adam and Eve - hands molding pottery

November 29: Adam and Eve

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Scripture reading: Genesis 1:26-31
11-30 The Fall - Bare branches of a thorn bush

November 30: The Fall

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Scripture reading: Genesis 3:1-24
december-1-noahs-ark - Waves on the sea

December 1: Noah’s Ark

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Scripture reading: Genesis 6:11-14; Genesis 7:17-8:3; Genesis 9:8-13
Dec 2 The Promised Land - scenic view of waterfalls

December 2: The Promised Land

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Scripture reading: Genesis 12:1-7
Dec 3 - Gods Promise to Abraham - view of starry sky

December 3: God’s Promise to Abraham

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Scripture reading: Genesis 15:1-6
December 4: Sacrificing Isaac - image of a ram

December 4: Sacrificing Isaac

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Scripture reading: Genesis 22:1-14
December 4: Sacrificing Isaac - image of clouds

December 5: Jacob’s Dream

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Scripture reading: Genesis 28:10-22
December 6: The Story of Joseph - image of colorful fabric

December 6: The Story of Joseph

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Scripture reading: Genesis 37:1-36
December 7: The 10 Commandments - image of rocky mountains

December 7: The 10 Commandments

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Scripture reading: Deuteronomy 5:1-22
December 8: Rahab - image of orange rope

December 8: Rahab

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Scripture reading: Joshua 2:1-21
december-9-ruth-and-boaz - image of wheat

December 9: Ruth and Boaz

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Scripture reading: Ruth 3:1-4:12
december-10-david-an-unlikely-king - image of sheep and a shepherd

December 10: David, An Unlikely King

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Scripture reading: 1 Samuel 16:1-15
Dec. 11 Shepherd to King - image of a crown

December 11: Shepherd to King

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Scripture reading: 2 Samuel 5:1-5
Dec 12 More than a temple - image of sun beam thru clouds

December 12: More Than a Temple

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Scripture reading: 1 Kings 5:5; 1 Kings 6
Dec 13 Triump over Baal - image of flames

December 13: God’s Triumph over Baal

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Scripture reading: 1 Kings 18:17-24, 36-39
Dec 14 Esthers strong faith - images of ancient palace entrance

December 14: Esther’s Bold Faith

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Scripture reading: Esther 4
DEc 15 The Promise of LIght - images of sunrise over dark mountains

December 15: The Promise of Light

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Scripture reading: Isaiah 9:2-7
Dec 16 The Wolf and the Lamg - iamge of a lamb laying next to a wolf

December 16: The Wolf and Lamb

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Scripture reading: Isaiah 11:6-9
Dec 17 Jonah and sackcoth - image of course fabric

December 17: Jonah and the…Sackcloth?

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Scripture reading: Jonah 3:1-5
Dec 16 Daniel - image of a lion looking up with mouth closed

December 18: Into the Lions’ Den

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Scripture reading: Daniel 6
Dec 16 Born in Bethlehem - image of stone wall with flower groing through the cracks

December 19: Born in Bethlehem

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Scripture reading: Micah 5:1-5
Dec 20 Zechariahs gift of silence - image of a mustard plant

December 20: Zechariah’s Gift of Silence

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Scripture reading: Luke 1:5-25
Dec 21 John the Baptist - image of Jordon River

December 21: John the Baptist

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Scripture reading: Matthew 3:1-6
Dec 22 Marys unexpected giff - image of a women with arms raised

December 22: Mary’s Unexpected Gift

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Scripture reading: Luke 1:26-38
Dec 23 Josephs Honor - image of swirling stars

December 23: Joseph’s Honor

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Scripture reading: Matthew 1:18-25
Dec 24 Traveling tp Bethlehem

December 24: Journey to Bethlehem

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Scripture reading: Luke 2:1-5
Dec 25 Jesus Birth - images of stable under star

December 25: Jesus Is Born

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Scripture reading: Luke 2:6-21