Amid the increasing tensions on the Russian and Ukrainian border, the church lifts these prayers to our merciful God.
God of Peace, who desires your children to live in harmony, we humbly ask that you—by your Holy Spirit—restrain those who would make war. Give them a new desire to live in accord with all people.
In your mercy, hear our prayer.
Great God of Comfort, who desires all people to live without strife, we humbly pray that your Holy Spirit will bring peace and comfort to those in Ukraine who live under the fearful threat of invasion. Give them hope and confidence in your divine sovereignty.
In your mercy, hear our prayer.
God of Wisdom, who holds the hearts and minds of all in your hands, we humbly pray that you will put thoughts of peace in the minds of world leaders and words of peace in their mouths that a peaceful solution might be found to these escalating tensions on the Russian–Ukrainian border. Gift world leaders with wisdom and desires for peace and justice. May cool heads from among all involved prevail.
In your mercy, hear our prayer.
God who welcomed children while walking on this earth, we humbly pray that you will protect all children if conflict occurs. Surround them and their caretakers with a shield of protection. Guard them from all harm, that they may survive whatever may befall and that they will know your safety and live in innocence.
In your mercy, hear our prayer.
Great God, who created your church to be your body on this earth. We humbly pray that you make your church in Ukraine strong, be it in war or in peace. Give your grace to the faithful disciples in the nations so that they may continue to be faithful witnesses to you by their faithful actions during these troubling times.
In your mercy, hear our prayer.
RCA Commission on Christian Action
The Reformed Church in America’s Commission on Christian Action informs and advises the church concerning current social issues and the spiritual and Christian principles by which critical evaluation may be exercised and proper action taken. Learn more about the commission’s priorities and work.