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Creation Care Toolkit

As people of faith, we are called to be good stewards of the earth. These creation care resources can help individuals and churches to learn about environmental issues, take action in response to climate change, and protect natural resources.

Creation care resources for you and your church

The Climate Witness Project

This project walks with congregations as they learn about the realities of climate change, as they seek to be better stewards of the resources they have been given, and as they find their voice to speak to their public officials about common sense climate policy that will benefit the earth, people around the world who are poor and vulnerable, and future generations.

Earth Day Resources

Each year, Creation Justice Ministries publishes a compilation of liturgies, action ideas, Bible studies, informational articles, and more to mark Earth Day and/or Earth Day Sunday. Committed to “justice for God’s planet and people,” this organization has many opportunities for stewardship and action.

Worship Resources for Creation Care

This collection of prayers, liturgies, songs, sermon ideas, and children’s materials were crowdsourced from across the Christian Reformed Church in North America, then reviewed by a team of Reformed theologians. Worship can call us more fully into our roles as stewards of God’s creation; these resources make it easy.

Green Lectionary Podcast

The Green Lectionary podcast is a conversation on Scripture with a creation justice lens, hosted by Derrick Weston, a writer, filmmaker, podcaster, speaker, and educator. Tune in via the Creation Justice Ministries webpage or wherever you prefer to get your podcasts.

Lutherans Restoring Creation

Lutherans Restoring Creation is a grassroots group of advocates for climate justice in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Their website includes stories and ideas for advocacy, personal discipleship, and creation care for churches.

Interfaith Power and Light

This ecumenical organization offers a variety of resources and ways you can put your faith into action for a safer climate. Check out their Cool Congregations program for churches using solar energy as well as their resources for worship and education. 

Heat and Health

Creation Justice Ministries outlines a faith response to building stronger communities in the face of extreme heat.

10 Ways Churches Can Mobilize for Climate Justice

Recognizing the urgent need to address the intertwined crises of climate and inequality, the United Church of Christ Council for Climate Justice calls people of faith and their churches to an all-out mobilization of their gifts and resources. Here are 10 ways to respond. 

Resources for growing the next generation of stewards

Creation Care Reads for Kids

The Climate Witness Project reviews and recommends devotionals and curriculums to help kids learn to care for God’s good earth.

Nurturing Young Hearts for a Restored Creation

A conversation between children’s book authors Amy Houts (God’s Earth Is Something to Fight For) and Betsy Painter (All of Creation). In this engaging dialogue, Amy and Betsy delve into the intersection of faith, creation justice, and the power of children’s literature to shape young hearts and minds.

Garden with your kids

Planting a small garden—or even just a single pot indoors—opens opportunities to talk with children about God. Just as we trust that plants will grow even when we can’t see much progress, we can be sure that God is nurturing seeds of faith in our kids.

Faithward articles about caring for the earth

loons on water as sun sets

Holy Creatures Living with Other Holy Creatures in a World That Is Holy

Dr. Steven Bouma-Prediger | Creation Care, Stewardship | No Comments
I think we must see it with our eyes and feel it in our gut to fully realize that this…
clear focus of small purple plants among moss with blurred forest background

How the Longing of Advent Points Us Toward Creation Care

Nate Rauh-Bieri | Advent, Creation Care | No Comments
Advent gives us a longing and a vision for a world set right—a restored creation where God’s shalom reigns.
a neighborhood of houses if framed between a cloudy blue-gray sunset and green grass and trees

It’s Time To Act: Practice Creation Care and Good Neighbor-hood Everyday

Nate Rauh-Bieri | Creation Care, Relationships | No Comments
The church calendar says it’s Ordinary Time, but these are extraordinary ecological times we’re living in.
group of people talk on a mountain top with sunset

Why Pentecost Calls Upon Us to Talk About Creation Care

Nate Rauh-Bieri | Creation Care, Stewardship | No Comments
The Spirit’s gift to speak and be understood across languages and cultures unlocks astonishing new levels of community.
Chinese language Bible lies on top of dirt with cherry blossoms scattered around

Why Care for God’s Creation Matters: A Biblical Perspective

Grace Ruiter and RCA Commission on Christian Action | Creation Care, Stewardship | No Comments
We as Christians cannot sit back and do nothing while God’s creation is being harmed on our watch.
person with black and white checked pants and black boots walks along the dusty ground

What Can Lent Teach Us About Creation Care?

Nate Rauh-Bieri | Creation Care, Lent | No Comments
“To care for creation, first be a creature.”

Small but Powerful Ways Churches Are Caring for the Earth

John Paarlberg | Creation Care, Faith Practices | No Comments
Caring for creation is an act of worship. Our worship services should reflect that.
Rows of solar panels catch rays of sunlight

How a Green Team Can Help Your Church Care for Creation

Doug McLaughlin and Kim Winchell | Creation Care, Mission | No Comments
You’re just six steps away from leading your church toward better stewardship of God’s world.